Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Random stuff!

Some weeks ago the school I attend had it's 50th anniversary and it was celebrated in several different ways. First A dude had a thirty-minutes speech, which was pretty boring. Then we had ordinary classes for about an hour, and then there was an awesome carnival procession through the yard, and after that the teachers put big cans of crayons for drawing on asphalt on the yard, and we went wild! This is some of the creations we made, these first ones are the ones that I made:

 Rearing horse, with too long legs :D

 Pokéball, the pikachu not drawn by me but by Sakura xD

 Amerimochi :3

 And you just lost the game :D

The pictures below is not drawn by me, but by my friends :3

 My little pony, made by Sakura :3

 Jigsaw, made by Sasuke D:

 Awesome dragon, made by my lovely girlfriend :33 (with gravity-defying hair, due to participating in the carnival procession xD)

 Sakura, made by Sakura (duh xD)
And a snake, made by Pexie! :D

Unfortunately, the next day it rained, so everything got washed away :C

So, some random shit for you today xD tomorrow I hope to be back with something "real" xD

So long!

Izu~ :3

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