Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life sucks D:

Today my school had a day off, and the university in Lund held an open house, which I was going to attend, and I was also going try out a student's cap. Damn, I'm graduating in a couple of months! I was also going to the optician at 10, to check my sight and order a new pair of glasses, but when I got home from there I just felt so sick I had to stay home. Had felt bad ever since I woke up this morning, but hoped it would get better, but apparently not. So now I'm lying in our sofa, wrapped up in a blanket with a big cup of tea and the worst headache ever. Life sucks. And then you die. But that doesn't mean I have forgotten you, dear friends and readers~! So yeah, today you'll get Naruto! Yeah, I read Naruto. or did at least, haven't read (or made any Naru.fanart) in like half a year. Which means this picture is pretty old, but whatever, it's still pretty nice :3

Not the most complicated or detailed picture, but sometimes simple pictures can be nice as well :3

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