Saturday, November 19, 2011


I have a weakness for psycho-kids. Love to draw them, to write about them, read about them, watch anime with them and so on. So of course I've got a psycho-oc xD His name is Rei and he's, well, psycho <3 I've got this awesome plot in my head, where he's really psycho. You remember my oc Yuki? Rei is madly in love with him. And since Yuki doesn't love him back, it's driving him crazy. Gawd I love psycho-kids <3
Here's a pic of him!

Psycho-kids and blood are love <3 And I do realize I sound crazy now but whatever xD I guess the picture kinda tells, but he's got black hair and red eyes, loves blood and to kill, and he's got a killed stuffed animal (haven't decided what kind yet, probably a rabbit of some sort....) which he likes to tear apart and stitch together. I think he's my new fave oc, sorry Yuki. Expect to see more of him in the future!

So long!



  1. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey IMMA COMMENT ON UR BLOG! >W<
    No but seriously this guy creeps me out, still he's cool and all that...but again, creepy TwT
    OOH!11!! I see base-circles and base-triangles!!1 8'''D Didn't think you used such when you draw or I'm just being forgetful .w.

  2. He's super creepy >3 And I use baseformshitz all the time, else all the proportions will be all messed up :P
