Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I have once again neglected this blog. That's bad. I apologize to anyone who might read this, which seems to be none xD Come on, comment guys! Makes this more fun for both you and me! Anyhow, I've got quite a few new pictures scanned now, so expect more regular updates in the future! One of the new pictures is more realistic than my usual work, just because I felt like trying it xD And it turned out pretty good actually xD

Yeah, umm... Kamijo of Versailles, totally gorgeous as always :3 As you can see it's not all finished, and if I know myself right (which I do) I won't finish it either xD Live with it xD

Once again I apologize to anyone who read this shit, and I promise more regular updates in the future! And remember to comment! It's so quiet here! xD


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