Sunday, September 25, 2011

Troll druid: Cat form

First of all I wanna apologize for not updating, but I have been terribly sick the past week and not able to post anything. I'm better now though, and back with a whole new category of pictures; world of warcraft related stuff! xD Originally I'm an alliance-player, my top level horde is at lvl 15 xD But I suddenly got the urge to try out the hordes as well, so I chose a troll, mostly for the raptor mounts <3 I chose to be a druid, god knows why xD But at turning lvl 8 I learnt cat form shapeshift, and omg the troll cats are love <3 So asdfghjkl cute! So I print-screened myself and made a drawing of my lil troll :3

What'ya think? ;D Except for the hind paws I'm damn proud for being my first time drawing cats/tigers/lions/whatever xD But the front paws turned out better than expected. Paws are like hands, super hard to draw for no reason at all. But yeah, practise makes perfect, right? ;D

Senjhir -Khadgar, make sure to say hi if you play on that server :D

Now I'm off to quest again, see you


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