Saturday, October 1, 2011

New project!

I went to this convention in Sweden called KodachiKun today, and we decided to sit down and draw for a while. Not knowing what to do I started doodling on my paper, and realized it looked a bit like Belarus form APH. I didn't plan on keeping it at first, but my girlfriend forced me to bring it home, and on the train I just sat staring at it for 15 min and I got the best idea for a "real" picture so when I got home I went straight to my computer and scanned it and this is what it looked like: (Don't mind the feet lol)

Most parts are pretty fail xD But all that will be fixed in the finished version :D Oh, and the face will be completely different ;)

And suddenly the chess picture was not so fun to work on any more :D But I'm probably finish it after this xD

Now I'm off to work on it again~ And it's 3.30 am Dx

Anyhow, see you!


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