Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hardcore yaoi!

Okay, maybe not THAT hardcore, but w/e, it's yaoi xD Again, my own characters. I've been drawing them a lot lately xD And this time you get to see Kousei in colour as well 8D


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ballpoint pen sketch

Celebrated my granny's 80th birthday today, and while waiting for the cake I made this with a nice ballpoint pen I found on her desk :3 I like ballpoint pens, they slide over the paper so smoothly :3 :3

So, this is my OC's Yuki (who you've seen before) and Kousei, who you haven't seen yet xD I should make a coloured pic of him so you see what he looks like xD But he's got silvery grey hair, that's all you need to know atm xD

So yeah, that's it for today! Tomorrow you might get yaoi! If I'm not too lazy xD But hopefully~~

See yah!

Monday, October 10, 2011

100 themes challenge!

Found this 100 themes challenge on dA today, do why not do it? ;D Haven't even read all of them, I hope I'm not getting over my head now.... xD Ah well, the first one:

1. Challenge accepted
2. Hold together
3. Love
4. Hate
5. Eager
6. Hungry
7. Potty emergency
8. Hellooooo sexy girl/boy
9. Nice to meet you
10. Pouting
11. Sulking
12. I'm gonna kill you
13. You're the best!
14. Epic fail
15. I win!
16. Taaaag!
17. That's my little sister
18. Embarrasing moment
19. Warners meeting your OC
20. Slap!
21. Misfortune
22. Bleeding
23. Silence
24. Bath
25. Voice actor
26. Busted!
27. Relaxing
28. New special friend
29. Singing
30. Cat
31. Dog
32. Bird/Fish (choose one)
33. Baby
34. Crying
35. Fanatic fan
36. Glomp
37. Escape
38. You're my pet now
39. I'm fat
40. Fluffy
41. Naughty
42. Where are my clothes?!
43. Thief
44. Gotcha!
45. Unlucky day
46. Busy
47. Drawing
48. Under the rain
49. Eyes
50. Blind
51. Kiss
52. Blushing
53. Memories
54. Childhood
55. Teamwork
56. Breaking the rules
57. Like a superhero
58. I love you
59. Related
60. Friendship
61. Silly
62. Danger
63. In a fairy tale
64. Trap
65. Obsessed
66. Almost
67. How could you?!
68. Mine!
69. Curious
70. Original
71. Listening music
72. Leave it to me
73. Secret
74. Couple
75. Upside down
76. Nightmare
77. Fear
78. Under wear
79. Sexy
80. Devastated
81. Live
82. Locked up
83. Boredom
84. School
85. Free time
86. Drunk
87. Cigarette
88. I can't
89. Food
90. Pain
91. Steal
92. Asleep
93. Parodying
94. Pirate
95. Labyrinth
96. Friends
97. Enemy
98. It's time for...
99. Maniacs
100. Good idea, bad idea

Let's see if we can do this!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Random stuff!

Some weeks ago the school I attend had it's 50th anniversary and it was celebrated in several different ways. First A dude had a thirty-minutes speech, which was pretty boring. Then we had ordinary classes for about an hour, and then there was an awesome carnival procession through the yard, and after that the teachers put big cans of crayons for drawing on asphalt on the yard, and we went wild! This is some of the creations we made, these first ones are the ones that I made:

 Rearing horse, with too long legs :D

 Pokéball, the pikachu not drawn by me but by Sakura xD

 Amerimochi :3

 And you just lost the game :D

The pictures below is not drawn by me, but by my friends :3

 My little pony, made by Sakura :3

 Jigsaw, made by Sasuke D:

 Awesome dragon, made by my lovely girlfriend :33 (with gravity-defying hair, due to participating in the carnival procession xD)

 Sakura, made by Sakura (duh xD)
And a snake, made by Pexie! :D

Unfortunately, the next day it rained, so everything got washed away :C

So, some random shit for you today xD tomorrow I hope to be back with something "real" xD

So long!

Izu~ :3

Monday, October 3, 2011


My first "real" digital picture is finally done! Still need to improve a lot, but I'm pretty proud of it atm at least :3

Tools: Paint tool SAI, ps (for finishing touches), tablet
Time: about 5-6 hours I guess

Yeah, that's it :D



The Belarus picture is very soon done! Just need some shading and then I'll show you all, but in the meanwhile I'll share the lineart with you
Damn scary, right? xD

Anyhow, feel free to color it, but if you're going to post it somewhere be sure to credit me, either on this blog, or GinMangetsu @ deviantart!

That's all for now, see yah!

Izu ♥

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New project!

I went to this convention in Sweden called KodachiKun today, and we decided to sit down and draw for a while. Not knowing what to do I started doodling on my paper, and realized it looked a bit like Belarus form APH. I didn't plan on keeping it at first, but my girlfriend forced me to bring it home, and on the train I just sat staring at it for 15 min and I got the best idea for a "real" picture so when I got home I went straight to my computer and scanned it and this is what it looked like: (Don't mind the feet lol)

Most parts are pretty fail xD But all that will be fixed in the finished version :D Oh, and the face will be completely different ;)

And suddenly the chess picture was not so fun to work on any more :D But I'm probably finish it after this xD

Now I'm off to work on it again~ And it's 3.30 am Dx

Anyhow, see you!
