Sunday, September 25, 2011

Troll druid: Cat form

First of all I wanna apologize for not updating, but I have been terribly sick the past week and not able to post anything. I'm better now though, and back with a whole new category of pictures; world of warcraft related stuff! xD Originally I'm an alliance-player, my top level horde is at lvl 15 xD But I suddenly got the urge to try out the hordes as well, so I chose a troll, mostly for the raptor mounts <3 I chose to be a druid, god knows why xD But at turning lvl 8 I learnt cat form shapeshift, and omg the troll cats are love <3 So asdfghjkl cute! So I print-screened myself and made a drawing of my lil troll :3

What'ya think? ;D Except for the hind paws I'm damn proud for being my first time drawing cats/tigers/lions/whatever xD But the front paws turned out better than expected. Paws are like hands, super hard to draw for no reason at all. But yeah, practise makes perfect, right? ;D

Senjhir -Khadgar, make sure to say hi if you play on that server :D

Now I'm off to quest again, see you


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hands, hands, hands

I hate hands. Hate them, hate them, hate them. Seriously, they're killing every drawing I make! Gaaaah! So, to get better, I have decided to draw hands as much as I can. A couple of months ago I drew this hand study while following a really good tutorial, and I really think it helped.

Now the next step is to draw without a tutorial and just looking at hands, and then without looking and just drawing from your mind. I'm gunna die :D
Ah well, now I need to sleep. It's 11.10 pm and I'm going up 06.00 am. like... 6 and a half hours sleep? Go me! And my girlfriend is gunna kill me if I miss my train tomorrow :D

Good night!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Alfred F. Jones

This is, according to me, the best drawing I've ever done. I made it in Thailand when we were on vacation there last Christmas. Damn I miss Thailand. I remember we were watching Beauty and the Beast in Thai while I drew this. I used to watch the movie in the beginning, and only draw in the commercial breaks, but as I got more and more caught up in drawing I continued on the picture even when the movie played in the end. That was good times :'3

Sadly enough, the whole composition of the picture is not mine, since I used a ref pic for it. Though I can't find it anywhere on the web anymore.

As for the chess pic I'm working on- I haven't really made progress today, only finished sketching out Americas clothes. But I hope to continue with it tomorrow! Or later today... Anyhow, now I'm off to make popcorn!

So long


Friday, September 16, 2011

Checkmate: progress update

Sooo I worked a bit on my latest sketch today~ Not much though, homework to do xD And it takes damn long to draw digitally Dx Just outlining Austria with the light blue took like 1½ hours! God I'm so not used to digital drawing xD Anyhow, here's the progress this far!

Fixed a few things in PS, like making his head smaller and moving it further back. Needs to be moved even more though... But I'll do that tomorrow, now I'm gunna watch a movie, "My best friend's girl" I think it was called. Pretty funny this far :D

See you!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

WIP Checkmate

Started working on this today, and I just scanned it to continue working on it on my computer! I really need to learn how to draw digitally xD Anyway, It's Austria and America, chess version!

It's really a pain to work on something like this for several hours, and then discover the head of Austria is too big! Ah well, there's nothing that can't be fixed in photoshop!

So long


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I have failed!

I didn't update yesterday. My deepest apologizes for that, though I do have a legible reason, cause my friend came over to my place :3 So today I will give you my, this far, best work within the Hetalia-chess theme!
Enjoy! :3

One thing I'm not really satisfied with is his shadow. You don't really notice it's a rook unless you know it xD

And I bet you just checked it up xD

But I guess practise makes perfect :3

That's all for today, and I will try not to miss any days in the future!

Izu~ ♥

Monday, September 12, 2011

Eyes/nose/mouth/face studies~

Kind of a practise-thingy~ I like to draw stuff like this, and practise facial expressions. It's fun~~ :D

Short blog post it short xD

So long!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Horses playing

When I was smaller, I always drew horses. Though, when I discovered manga and anime I stopped and only drew people instead, but a few days ago I tried to draw horses again, and here's the result:

For  some weird reason I have improved A LOT, even though I haven't been drawing horses. I guess you don't just get better at drawing the things you draw, but things in general. You know, practising the eye and it's ability to see the right position of things and stuff. 
Anyhow, this is just a sketch, but I might color it later~ 

So long

Izu~ ♥

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Like every artist, I've got OC's. Though, they're only two at the moment, named Yuki and Kousei :3 I don't have any decent drawings of Kousei yet, but I'll show you Yuki now :3

He's so gay 8'D And I totally love him <3 Though, I'm not quite satisfied with his haircolor. And I don't know if I will keep it or give him another color. I've tried a bit less red, and more brown-ish color, but that's not quite right either... Ah well, I'll most probably change it later xD


Friday, September 9, 2011


There are this awesome chess artwork for Hetalia, found here (don't know where it comes from originally, but you can see all the designs in that forum)
Anyway, me and my friends decided to cosplay them, but since none of us cosplay Germany, but I cosplay Prussia, we decided to put Prussia in Germanys place, since they're brothers and all that, and, in Hetalia, pretty much the same country. Ever since then we always draw Prussia as the black rook, so whenever I post something from the chess design, it will be with Prussia and not Germany. Just so you won't get confused xD

With that said, I present to you my first Hetalia chess fanart ever! Now a week old, and with several followers though xD Raw from scanner, not even touched-up in ps xD Enjoy!

Censur means censored in swedish xD


Thursday, September 8, 2011

First sketch!

 I promised you at least one pic/day, so here's the first one! It's some kind of combination between a sketch and drawing; too detailed and shaded to be a sketch, but not really a finished drawing either. So yeah. Something in between. 

Either way, it's supposed to be Teru, guitarist of the visual kei band Versailles (my absolute fave band atm, fyi xD) ref image found here:

I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THAT PERSON! So friggin' cute! >w< And I totally LOVE drawing him, so expect more pics to come! :D

I should stop ranting now 8D But first I just gonna embed a PV of their first single, The Revenant Choir. Listen to it, it's amazing <3


So long!

Izu~ <3


So, I decided to start a drawing blog too, together with a cosplay blog! Here I will post drawings, sketches, WIP's and so on. So! To avoid this getting dead, I've decided to post one drawing/scetch/WIP every single day, so you can follow my updates, be the first ones to see new drawings and so on!

And I swear I will (try to) do it! 8D

So long!
