Friday, November 25, 2011

Yuki and Tanjirou~

Let me introduce my girlfriends OC, Tanjirou :3
They're kinda classmates, or something :3 Yeah..... Maybe I'll post the whole story sometime xD But not now. Bye~

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


More Hetalia fanart! This one is also pretty old. Not as old as the one with Sasuke, but still old. And as the title says, it's Austria, aka Roderich Edelstein :3 Eating a Gilbird-lollipop.....

Used a reference for this, but can't find it again. As I said, it's very old.

See you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life's good again!

All the pain is gone (for the moment) and I'm making pancakes and soon I'm of to the stables! Yeah, I take riding lessons every Monday and Tuesday :3 And yes, I'm PMSing much..... Anyway, here have another Teru!


Life sucks D:

Today my school had a day off, and the university in Lund held an open house, which I was going to attend, and I was also going try out a student's cap. Damn, I'm graduating in a couple of months! I was also going to the optician at 10, to check my sight and order a new pair of glasses, but when I got home from there I just felt so sick I had to stay home. Had felt bad ever since I woke up this morning, but hoped it would get better, but apparently not. So now I'm lying in our sofa, wrapped up in a blanket with a big cup of tea and the worst headache ever. Life sucks. And then you die. But that doesn't mean I have forgotten you, dear friends and readers~! So yeah, today you'll get Naruto! Yeah, I read Naruto. or did at least, haven't read (or made any Naru.fanart) in like half a year. Which means this picture is pretty old, but whatever, it's still pretty nice :3

Not the most complicated or detailed picture, but sometimes simple pictures can be nice as well :3

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Taiwan sketch~

Today I won't give you anything better than a simple sketch, cause I simply don't have time for something else. It's late and I'm going to school early tomorrow. Bless god I'm free on Tuesday :D I can sleep as long as I want to!
It's supposed to be Taiwan from Hetalia, but it could be pretty much any shoujo-girl... I actually considered cosplaying her for a while, but I don't think I will.... Ah btw, check out my cosplayaccount on dA here! Umm yeah. That's it for today! See you tomorrow!